Using Concurrency and Parallelism Effectively - I

AUTHOR : Jon Kerridge
EDITION : 2014
ISBN NO : 978-87-403-1038-2

  1. A Challenge - Thinking Parallel
  2. Producer Consumer: A Fundamental Design Pattern
  3. Process Networks: Build it Like Lego
  4. Parallel Processes: Non Deterministic Input
  5. Extending the Alternative: A Scaling Device and Queues
  6. Testing Parallel Systems: First Steps
  7. Deadlock: An Introduction
  8. Client-Server: Deadloack Avoidance by Design
  9. External Events: Handling Data Sources
  10. Deadlock Revisited: Circular Structures
  11. Graphical User Interfaces: Brownian Motion
  12. Dining Philosophers: A Classic Problem
  13. Accessing Shared Resources: CREW
  14. Barriers and Buckets: Hand-Eye Co-ordination Test

